North Ringwood Community Children's Centre
Non-profit early learning and care

A Typical Day
The overall well-being of each child is of primary importance to us. We aim to provide a balanced and developmentally appropriate learning environment, which is based on individual and group needs and interests. To accomplish these aims, we have designed a general routine with the intent to provide each child with a welcoming and stimulating environment that maximises their wellbeing.
The general routine for the day is as follows. Our 0-2 year-old program, however, is the exception as we follow an individual routine for each child, dependant on their needs for that day.
7:15AM – 8:30AM | Arrival. Room groupings occur in one of the larger rooms or, weather permitting, outside. |
8:30AM – 9AM | The children settle into their respective rooms, exploring set-up activities. |
9AM | Morning tea. |
9:15AM – 11AM | The children engage in planned indoor/outdoor activities and participate in group times with stories, movement and music. |
11AM – 12PM | Lunchtime, starting with the younger children. Children are encouraged with self-help skills, bearing in mind their ages and abilities. |
12PM – 2PM | Most of the younger children will have a sleep (0-3). The 3-4 year olds will have a sleep if required or, like the 4-5 year olds, will have a quiet break where they will listen to music or story tapes. |
1PM – 3PM | The children participate in planned afternoon experiences, with the kinder children (4-5) starting their activities at around 1.00pm, and the 3-4 year old room commencing around 1.30pm. |
3PM – 3:30PM | Afternoon tea. |
3:30PM – 5:30PM | The children play indoors or outdoors, participating freely in the planned experiences available. |
5:30PM | Late afternoon snack. |
5:30PM - 6:15PM | Playing together in room grouping. |
We believe in the importance of recognising and supporting the uniqueness of each child, and their home, religious and cultural beliefs. We also promote independence, positive self-esteem and gender equity, and we believe children should be actively involved in their own learning.
All meals and snacks are made freshly on-site – there is no thawing of frozen meals. Our cook ensures nutritious meals are provided with a Seasonal Menu on a four weekly rotation, many of our parents have requested copies of our recipes, which are available from the office.
We cater for nut, egg, dairy and other allergies.
Drinks of water and milk are available throughout the day.