North Ringwood Community Children's Centre
Non-profit early learning and care

Keeping Parents Informed
We use a number of media to ensure you are always aware of the activities and experiences being enjoyed by your child, along with broader information about our centre, community and child rearing in general.
Our primary method for updating you on your child’s day-to-day progress is through the Storypark parent communication and engagement app which allows you to receive notifications and contact the centre via your smart phone.

Other family communication tools include:
photographic displays – staff take photos of daily happenings and special events illustrating what your child has been involved in;
visual displays of the children’s artwork;
communication boards in each rooms, providing written daily outlines and stories about the day’s events, food and sleep times;
quarterly newsletters to report on the rooms and overall centre happenings;
informal conversations with parents at pick-up and drop-off times;
parent/staff interviews available upon request throughout the year;
notice boards in the hallways displaying centre and general child caring information; and
parent library providing tips and information about children’s health and development.
What’s more, we are always interested in your feedback, sought through:
our suggestion box;
parent feedback forms distributed with the newsletter; and
monthly general Parent Committee meetings.